2018 Fall Physics Colloquium 

강연일자: 2018. 9. 11. 화 오후 5시

장소: 아산이학관 433호

강연자:  노태원 (서울대 물리학과)

강연주제: Metal-insulator-transition: historic perspective and personal view

Metal-insulator-transition (MIT) is one of the most fascinating emergent phenomena in nature.Numerous MIT’s have been reported during more than 100years. Condensed matter physics have been developed to explain MIT, especially with strong correlated physics. However, they still remain as one of the major unsolved problems even in 21st century. In the first part, I will review how the MIT and condensed matter physics have developed during last 100 years. As an optical spectroscopist, my group members have used spectroscopic tools to investigate the basic mechanism of MIT for about 30 years. Especially, we have invesigated on the roles of the charge/lattice/orbital(/spin) degrees of freedom in strongly correlated electron system. In the second part, I will discuss on our efforts and findings on how the polaron, orbital degeneracy, spinorbit interaction, magnetism, and topology can play important roles in MIT.