Title : Rydberg atom technology (리드버그 원자 기술)
일시 : 2024년 10월 29일(화), 17시
Speaker : 안재욱 Jaewook Ahn (KAIST)
Abstract :
Rydberg atoms are a micrometer-size neutral atom of a large principal quantum number (about n = 100). The interaction between two Rydberg atoms is huge even at a macroscopic-scale distance, causing the presence of a Rydberg atom easily to prohibit neighboring ground-state atoms from becoming Rydberg atoms. This strong interaction among Rydberg atoms results in an easy production of quantum mechanically entangled many-body states. During the past decades, there have been breakthroughs in quantum technologies involved with Rydberg atoms, impacting on the current remarkable progress of Rydberg atom quantum computing, in particular. One is the neutral-atom entanglement method based on the Rydberg blockade effect and the other is the atom rearrangement method, which utilizes movable optical tweezers to construct defect-free arbitrary atom arrays. In this presentation, we overview the latest progress of quantum technologies involved with Rydberg atom arrays and discuss possible future directions of the field.